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KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017

Strategic Approaches are Necessary to Shipping and Port industry to become a Maritime Power
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2017;9(2):1-3.
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Utilization of Low-Value Fish: A Case from Yawatahama, Japan
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2017;9(2):5-16.
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The Assessment of the Piraeus Container Terminal Privatization Initiative
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2017;9(2):17-29.
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The Experimental and Numerical Study of the Appendage DRAG Influence on Resistance of Ship
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2017;9(2):31-39.
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