KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Korea Maritime Institute

The Experimental and Numerical Study of the Appendage DRAG Influence on Resistance of Ship

Thu Han Tun*, Ye Thet Htun**
*Marine Mechanical Department, Myanmar Maritime University Thanlyin, Yangon Region, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar,

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Published Online: Dec 31, 2017


The Resistance and power prediction is based on the result of CFD tools and model experiments. Appendages resistance is significant for high speed vessel. This paper discusses the significant increment of appendages resistance of high speed vessel. The model was tested with appendages and without appendages in the Ship Model Towing Tank at Marine Hydrodynamics Centre, Myanmar Maritime University. CFD analysis is also carried out and the results are compared for ship with skeg. The comparison of results shows that the coefficient differences are less staggered at higher speeds.

Keywords: Ship model experiments; CFD; Towing Tank