List of Articles

KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014

Invited Article
Protecting a trilateral coastal ecosystem: The Wadden Sea: Trilateral Wadden Sea protection
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2014;6(1):1-17.
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Examining the Impact of Korea’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on Seaborne Trade Cargo Volumes1)
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2014;6(1):19-37.
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Use of ship traffic density from Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) in marine spatial planning: a case study in New England coast, USA
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2014;6(1):39-52.
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A Study on the Comparative Analysis of Port Competitiveness Using AHP
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2014;6(1):53-71.
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The Future Tasks of GICOMS in Preparation for the Age of e-Navigation
KMI Int. J. Marit. Aff. Fish. 2014;6(1):73-85.
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